"I’ve been serving for Woman 2 Woman Table Talk Outreach Ministries since I was 10 years old and have watched my grandmother minister, network, and honor the Lord simultaneously. Ever since, I’ve been working to follow in the footsteps she so tirelessly planted for the future of the Outreach and her family"
~Tianna Criswell
"While in prayer, the holy spirit told me to sow into Woman To Woman Table Talk Outreach Ministries as it is good ground. After being obedient in sowing my time & money into the ministry I've seen increase in my finances, family, & living. God has graced me with peace in my day to day struggles, an abundance of money has come my way & doors have been opened for me & my daughter. Recently, I was in a place of discomfort, confusion, anger, frustration. I prayed & reached out to Mrs. Criswell for wise council. Her & the entire family helped me sort out everything I needed help with. Since submitting my al to God, I've moved somewhere me & my 3 year old daughter can safely rest our heads. A few days later the Lord opened a door for gainful employment. Through obedience, Trust & having the spirit to sow into the ministry & serve, God has truly blessed me & my family.
~Cam Chambers
"The Bible study Session for me was very inspirational, I've learned more about what the Lord wants us to do as human beings on this earth and the rights and wrong. Mrs. Criswell definitely made a clear understanding for me after each verse that was read and I appreciate that session."
~ Miss Monet
"Woman 2 Woman has been a huge part of my everyday life for years now. Over those years, I've learned so much about the importance of making yourself available to do the work that God has called you to do. Being extremely sensitive & obedient to God's voice has become insurmountably important to me & working with the W2Wtto team has definitely caused me to do just that; even when it may be uncomfortable. As a result, the lord has shown me what he can do through & for me, which has blessed me tremendously."